services in Windsor

Sunday: 11AM and 6:30PM

Wednesday: 7PM

Sunday Morning

The church comes alive every Sunday at 11AM in a bright and engaging service. Be our guest! Come as you are and be inspired by a warm atmosphere of worship.

We also have a fun, safe space every Sunday for children to learn about God on their own level.

Sunday Evening

Sunday Evening is the same friendly church in a totally different experience. Each week we have another incredible worship service with a challenging, faith building message from the word of God, along with a personalized Youth service. 

Join us Sunday Evening at 6:30PM!

Wednesday Night

The whole church comes together every Wednesday at 7PM for a refreshing time of worship and dynamic teaching. We focus on the whole church each week for a more personal, practical, and relevant experience.

Come out this Wednesday at 7PM!

Special Events

Every month there are special services that are devoted to specific themes and causes that minister and encourage, even beyond the rest of the month's regular services. Follow through to see what is coming up.